Crewing Management

In order to ensure continuous access to professional and qualified staff and to have direct contact with its seafarers, Agency Trust Ltd. has its self-owned Manning Offices in India and the Philippines which are well-versed in all aspects of the company’s policies and procedures.

The Company supplements its manning pool by utilizing highly reputable ISO 9001 certified and government licensed Manning Agencies in Pakistan and Myanmar to assist with sourcing, initial screening and administration of qualified and trained personnel.

Officers and Crew members’ overall performance and skills are evaluated during Superintendents’ attendances onboard and the records are being kept as a database for future employment.

Officers and Crew members undergo intensive training programs ashore and onboard vessels to ensure that they fully understand and embrace the ship management system and promote excellence, professionalism and safe working culture.

The Company experiences great retention rates and maintain a strong focus on training over and above STCW requirements and utilizes only accredited and government licenced training facilities which ensures competent training and safe operations.

Furthermore, Agency Trust Ltd. has created an in-house Training center in Mumbai where Officers undergo courses with state-of-the-art simulators.

Besides, Company’s Head office organizes strategic seminars for the officers and crew in the cities of origin on an annual basis. Training onboard the vessels is carried out by Company’s Superintendents with the assistance of Head Office.

Senior Officers and staff members instill in our crew the importance of communication, teamwork and unity. Harmony between ship and shore, as well as cultural sensitivity and commitment to diversity is the foundation for building long lasting relationships within Agency Trust Ltd. family.

Agency Trust Ltd. invests in young people through having an established cadetship program.

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